[Mailman-Users] Excessive or Fatal Bounces

Tim Erickson tim at politalk.com
Fri Dec 12 20:17:17 CET 2003

Since moving our St. Paul public policy listserve to Mailman about 3 
weeks ago. I have six subscribers at a specific domain that have not 
been able to receive our messages.

I talked to the tech people at that domain who have told me (I don't 
understand any of these items, but they sound important):

   1) They can't see our messages
      hitting their mail relay

   2) That if this problem was with their
      SPAM filters, they would at least see
      the message hit their mail relay.

   3) They cannot resolve our domain

   4) A friend told me that he is able to
      resolve our domain.

This is part of the message that I keep getting:

----------------- begin -------------------

This is a Mailman mailing list bounce action notice:

     List:       Stpaul
     Member:     sample at pioneerpress.com
     Action:     Subscription disabled.
     Reason:     Excessive or fatal bounces.

----------------- end -----------------------

Any ideas?

Tim Erickson
St. Paul Issues Forum

Tim Erickson              http://www.politalk.com
St. Paul, MN - USA                   651-643-0722
tim at politalk.com                   ICQ: 105978430

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