[Mailman-Users] maildir support

Klavs Klavsen kl at vsen.dk
Sat Aug 30 16:05:43 CEST 2003

Hi guys,

I'm new to Mailman and I can see from the Defaults.py that it supports
mailman, and from the lists I gather it just started doing so a few
months ago.

What are the experiences with it? Mailman doesn't get new releases very
often (2.1.2 has lasted for quite some time now) so that would seem no
bugs have been found in the maildir support - but ofcourse it could just
be that no one is using it :)

Thanks for a great piece of software, I hope will stay with me for many
years to come :)

Klavs Klavsen, GSEC - kl at vsen.dk - http://www.vsen.dk
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