[Mailman-Users] Upgrade from Mailman 2.1.1 -> 2.1.2

Jan Banan b at grabbarna.nu
Wed Aug 6 16:26:28 CEST 2003


I'm quite new to Mailman and for some time ago installed Mailman 2.1.1 . 
Now I think it's time to upgrade to 2.1.2 :-)

I looked at mailman-2.1.2/UPGRADING but couldn't find anything about 
going from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 .

So I made a new clean installation av 2.1.2 beside 2.1.1 and compared 
them. It seems like there is a new file data/sitelist.cfg that was not 
available in 2.1.1 . How should I treat that file? I suppose I should 
keep it in that directory.

Also I saw you have changed alot options in Mailman/Defaults.py like 1/0 
to instead Yes/No so I made the appropriate changes to my 
Mailman/mm_cfg.py .

As to what I can see it looks like I only need to keep one file 
(Mailman/mm_cfg.py) and these six directories: archives data lists locks 
logs qfiles

Also I see the file data/last_mailman_version ... should I use the one 
from 2.1.1 or 2.1.2 when I move to 2.1.2 ? When I tested to keep the one 
from 2.1.1 then Mailman didn't do anything to that file even after I 
started 2.1.2 (it is still the same as from 2.1.1).

Thanks for your answers.


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