[Mailman-Users] To pickle or not to pickle, that is the question...

Adam Boettiger boettiger at pobox.com
Thu Apr 17 21:48:52 CEST 2003

I have a dilemma that I'm hoping a more advanced list owner can help me

Running mm 2.1.1

I really, *really* need the ability to modify held messages - for spelling,
typos, quotes that are too lengthy etc.

I've read the patch that provides this feature and it appears that:

>  You must set HOLD_MESSAGES_AS_PICKLES = 0 in your
> installation's mm_cfg.py for this to work.  I may
> support pickles in a future version.  Personally I
> don't see that much performance difference anyway, not
> on the held stuff...  Also note that if you had
> HOLD_MESSAGES_AS_PICKLES = 1 (the default) when you
> created a list, you must recreate it after changing
> that variable.

If indeed I do need to recreate all of my lists after changing the pickle
setting, I need to know how to do this in such a manner that all delivery
settings and preferences are kept for the list members and in such a way
that they do not receive a Welcome message when I recreate the lists.

Is there a way to export a list of listmembers *by setting* that I can then
reimport once the list is recreated, or is there really an easier way of
doing this, like just moving a file and moving it back after setting the
pickles to 0.  ??

Thanks in advance,


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