[Mailman-Users] Importing messages to archives

mailman at tux.org mailman at tux.org
Tue Sep 24 19:28:50 CEST 2002

Hmmm ...  Just "thinking out loud" for the moment while I continue to
think about what you have said below, it sure -sounds- like the process
of editing the Subject: line has somehow messed up the headers such that
it now looks like the body of the message starts where the Subject line
was ...  For example, if you took out the Subject: line entirely, the
blank line left it its place would look like a header/body separator
that would make some headers appear as part of the body, and it would
certainly look like the message now had no subject.  On the other hand,
you say "all" of the headers are displayed (do you really mean "all",
or would "most" be more precise?), and of course you are not wiping out
the Subject line.  What editor are you using?  Is it doing anything
funny or unexpected with the file when you edit/save it (hint: use
od for a byte-by-byte comparison)?

I will continue to puzzle this, and try some experiments if possible.
In the meantime, try to get an iron grip on what -- exactly -- happens
to the file when you edit it (another hint: think of your file as a
set of arbitrary bytes, and forget for the moment that the bytes mean
something to you).

- Andrew

  Mailman Administrator   -   http://www.tux.org/mailman/listinfo/

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, G. Armour Van Horn wrote:

> Okay, now we're half way home. The messages that I pasted in are all
> now visible in the archives for the appropriate time, but every one is
> listed as "No subject" and when you read them all of the original
> headers are displayed.
> There is a valid subject line, I'm replacing the three-letter name of
> the previous list with ABC:
>      Subject: [ABC] Detailed Charge Master Report
> Ass opposed to the same header if I send it in directly:
>      Subject: [Test] test to look at headers
> So, do I need to replace headers on the additional messages to make
> this work? Or should it have already worked?
> Van

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