[Mailman-Users] Mails locked, "Could not acquire qrunner lock"

Maria Garcia Suarez mariagarciasuarez at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 16 12:43:06 CEST 2002

Hi there!

Some days ago I installed Mailman and yesterday, when
I tried to use it I suffered of locked mails. 

Searching on the web I found this page:


where my problem is described....

I've tried all the proposed solutions but system keeps
on locking my mails. My mail server works fine
(meaning that "normal" addresses can get mails) but
Mailman's mailing lists don't work :-(

I've run strace to see what's going on but I don't
understand the output, here I attach it. Could some
help me to "decrypt" it? ;-)  Thx!


Maria G Suarez

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