[Mailman-Users] Is one-way possible?

Barry A. Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu Sep 5 23:15:36 CEST 2002

>>>>> "AC" == Alexander Czernay <listen at czernay.com> writes:

    AC> You're probably using MM2.0 as I do. It seems like it doesn't
    AC> have those features.  It would be great if the developers
    AC> could add that announcement-only feature to MM in an obvious
    AC> and simple way.

MM2.1 will have better support, but you'll have to know what you're
doing.  I expect the documentation <wink> will have a clear recipe for
setting this up.

One of the development projects for post-2.1 is to support canned (and
extensible) list styles that aggregate some common settings, so a list
admin could click on "Announcement Only" and be done with it.


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