[Mailman-Users] Eliminating access to the web interface/unsubscribing

Barry A. Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Nov 22 05:06:38 CET 2002

>>>>> "MG" == Mark Goodge <mark at good-stuff.co.uk> writes:

    MG> The answer to this is "no". You can disable the web interface
    MG> but, short of editing the code, you can't remove the ability
    MG> of users to unsubscribe by email. The documentation suggests
    MG> that, if this is what you want, the best option is to simply
    MG> set it so that you get automatic notifications of anyone
    MG> unsubscribing.

Under MM2.1, it is possible to require the list admin's permission to
unsubscribe.  Public discussion lists should never set this, but there
are applications (e.g. employee mailing lists) where this setting
might be appropriate.


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