[Mailman-Users] unauthorized people can send mails to the list ...

pilsl at goldfisch.at pilsl at goldfisch.at
Mon May 27 17:05:38 CEST 2002

> Why can't you make *ALL* posts to the list subject to confirmation
> by the listowner?  In other words, make the list totally moderated? 
> Then you make only those who are able to post, moderators?  When
> "Susan" posts an announcement to the list, she herself goes and
> validates it through the web interface?

Thats possible way but there are two things I dont like with it:

i) now I just discard all mails from moderated people. I dont know why
people are mailing to this adress, but we have about 5 mails per day
and the moderators are not bothered with this mails cause they are
just deleted.  If I authenticate via moderation-approval then the
moderators have to deal with this 5 mails.

ii) If Susan sends a mail, the other five people allowed to post and
therefore moderators also get this mail which might cause confusions
(cause they are just users that dont even understand why there is a
listserver now, if one can copy/paste all adresses into outlook also


mag. peter pilsl
tel: +43-699-1-3574035
fax: +43-699-4-3574035
pilsl at goldfisch.at

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