[Mailman-Users] Read-Only Mailing Lists

Barry A. Warsaw barry at zope.com
Sat May 25 18:34:22 CEST 2002

>>>>> "BP" == Bill Poff <mailman at icn.net> writes:

    BP> I've looked and looked and cannot find "Addresses of members
    BP> accepted for posting to this list without implicit approval
    BP> requirement".

    BP> I'm using version 2.1b1 are you looking at a different
    BP> version?

Yup, it's all different in MM2.1.  See my previous posting.

    BP> I feel that all of the "read-Only" parameters should be put in
    BP> one place on the menu. There is a lot of confusion among users
    BP> about the configuration of a read-only list and this might
    BP> help answer some of those questions.

    BP> At our shop, about 75% of the lists are read-only. I feel that
    BP> a significant number of users have/need read-only lists. Let's
    BP> make it a little easier for these folks.

I agree, but it's too late to re-organize this for MM2.1 (otherwise it
will never get released).  I definitely plan on improving things for
subsequent releases.


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