[Mailman-Users] It's working :)

Barry A. Warsaw barry at zope.com
Fri May 3 06:52:30 CEST 2002

>>>>> "JWB" == John W Baxter <jwblist at olympus.net> writes:

    JWB> I would build Mailman from source on Mac OS X

I haven't tried it yet, but will Mailman run on the non-server version
of MacOSX?  I don't really know what the difference is.

Off-topic aside: My G4 is really my wife's and we dual-boot it from
9.2.2 to 10.1.4.  It's loaded to the gills with her graphics arts
stuff and my music stuff.  I literally don't think I could load
another device onto the box, except perhaps for one last firewire
device (hmm, MOTU 828, yum).  As soon as Logic 5 for OSX and/or Cubase
SX comes out, I'm switching full-time to OSX.  All I want when I'm
writing music is a "Don't Make Me Think" desktop, and for that OSX


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