[Mailman-Users] It's working :)

Barry A. Warsaw barry at zope.com
Thu May 2 15:58:00 CEST 2002

>>>>> "GL" == Greg Long <mailmanlist at maneuveringspeed.com> writes:

    GL> I do find myself wondering why more if this can't be automated
    GL> by an installer and ready-to-run binaries, but that's just my
    GL> win background - It's easier for admins to spend company money
    GL> on software licenses I guess than to roll up the shirt sleeves
    GL> and fight with it.

If someone with more time and knowledge about rpms, debs, pkgs (does
Solaris still use these?), and whatever the *BSDs and MacOSX's use
<wink> wants to contribute pre-built binary packages, I will make
their availability more visible on the download pages.


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