[Mailman-Users] Challenges with Mailmain (--with-cgi-gid )

cls at pk.greens.org cls at pk.greens.org
Mon Mar 25 20:08:59 CET 2002

>However, I am having problems with Mailman's --with-mail-gid and
>--with-cgi-gid options. I used these options when I compile Mailman;

>cgi-gid = <there's no cgi-gid, so I used user "nobody" with gid = 99>

>./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mailman --with-mail-gid=416
>and from my Linux client, hermes.moonshi.com send an email via Evolution
>to "Test Mailing-List" <test at moonshi.com> and this is what I get from

>Mar 25 11:17:39 firewire Mailman cgi-wrapper (admin): Failure to exec
>script. WANTED gid 416, GOT gid 99.  (Reconfigure to take 99?)

>Mar 25 11:25:46 firewire Mailman mail-wrapper: Failure to exec script.
>WANTED gid 416, GOT gid 99.  (Reconfigure to take 99?)

>I checked that my gid for "postfix = 416" from "/etc/passwd" and I used
>"cgi-gid = 99" (which is for user nobody which apache is using) as I
>don't have user "cgi" in my system.

I believe your problem is "--with-cgi-gid=99"

"cgi-gid" is the group ID that will be running your CGI programs.
That is, running Mailman's wrapper.
If you are not using suEXEC or some other way of changing it,
this will be the group mentioned in the Group directive in your
Apache httpd.conf.  It might be "www-data" or "www" or "web"
or "nobody" but it is probably not a low number like 99.

If you don't know who is running your CGI programs, you should
probably read up more on Apache configuration before exposing
your server to the Internet.  (I like Charles Aulds' _Linux Apache
Web Server Administration_ but the docs at http://httpd.apache.org are
good enough.)

But you can find out by writing a little CGI program like this:

echo "Content-type: text/plain"

and running it from your browser.


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