[Mailman-Users] Unintentional humor in subscribers list.

Barry A. Warsaw barry at zope.com
Thu Mar 14 04:43:15 CET 2002

>>>>> "DL" == Damon Linkous <mailman at linkpro.net> writes:

    DL> I'm getting abused by my list members over the wording of the
    DL> headings in the Subscribers List. The categories of
    DL> subscribers are

    DL> Non-digested Members (as a opposed to those members who are
    DL> easier to digest after being eaten) Digested Members (could
    DL> defecated members be far behind) private members not shown
    DL> (the list is really glad not to see these private "members",
    DL> it's not an adult list)


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