[Mailman-Users] DataBase Errors

MikeT at scitechsoft.com MikeT at scitechsoft.com
Mon Mar 4 22:31:04 CET 2002

While sending out a huge list, my server is locking up at different 
times.  Currently the list has been sending off and on for 3 1/2 days.  
I am thinking the following error message is causing the problem.  

Feb 28 20:50:26 2002 (4190) XXXX.XXX.win db file was corrupt, 
using fallback: /home/mailman/lists/announce.sdd.win/config.db.last

What if sendmail stops and I either re-started it or the entire server?
 to get away from this error or is there a repair utility?

Does Mailman keep sending from where it was stopped by this 

How does this effect the list that is going out?

I would rather I did not re-send/re-start the post to the list.  Do I need 
to create a new list and migrate the addresses so the list will stop 
locking up.

Thanks for any help...


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