[Mailman-Users] Problems -with -mailman

root root at dns2.orra.gob.pe
Fri Jun 28 01:59:48 CEST 2002

Good Mailman

S.O. Linux 7.2 Redhat
Mailman 2.0.6-1

- All the configuration was complited

- The install was OK

- The check_perms script  ---> No problems found

- In Final sysstem set-up
            - httpd.conf was configurated
            - crontab crontab.in
            -  hooking sednmail with mailman (do not  run)
            - add mailman in aliases
- Run newaliases and sendmail

- mmsitepass ---my site ---

- Create list test and add in aliases

- My aliases file is :

         mailman: free_rock_bc at hotmail.com
         mailman-owner :mailman
         test : mailman
         test-admin: test
         test-request: test

- My access file contain all the domain permited for my server

- In http://-----------/mailman/listinfo/test

- Suscribing the members in the list

- I login with administrator count  - and select membership management  and   
   add lines of the address the members

My Problem

- When I send email at the list :

- do not send to members (I have members in the list )

	  - only recive the list address

            -  not see archives of the list

Please , send me all information of the mailman configuration and  files 
configuration of the sendmail for hooking with mailman

The install was OK

- The check_perms script  ---> No problems found

- In Final sysstem set-up
            - httpd.conf was configurated
            - crontab crontab.in
            -  hooking sednmail with mailman (do not  run)
            - add mailman in aliases
- Run newaliases and sendmail

- mmsitepass ---my site ---

- Create list test and add in aliases

- My aliases file is :

         mailman: free_rock_bc at hotmail.com
         mailman-owner :mailman
         test : mailman
         test-admin: test
         test-request: test

- My access file contain all the domain permited for my server

- In http://-----------/mailman/listinfo/test

- Suscribing the members in the list

- I login with administrator count  - and select membership management  and   
   add lines of the address the members

My Problem

- When I send email at the list :

- do not send to members (I have members in the list )

	  - only recive the list address

            -  not see archives of the list

Please , send me all information of the mailman configuration and  files 
configuration of the sendmail for hooking with mailman


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