[Mailman-Users] Email Header

Scott Courtney courtney at 4th.com
Tue Jun 4 21:41:32 CEST 2002

On Tuesday 04 June 2002 03:15 pm, Doug La Farge wrote:
> I thought about hacking a script to edit the virtualusertable file
> with sendmail to simply send to an alias. This leaves a security hole
> - anyone can send to the alias which is not desired.

I tend to agree that having e-mail access to scripts that update files
anywhere in /etc is a Very Bad Idea (TM) from a security standpoint.

> So where's the template for the email that's sent out? :-)

Look in the Mailman/Defaults.py file for the DEFAULT_MSG_FOOTER parameter.
Don't change it in this file, but instead copy these lines to your own
Mailman/mm_cfg.py file and then edit as you wish.

This affects new lists being created. To change an existing list, the config
is stored under lists/<listname>/config.pck as a "pickle" file. You'll need
to use Python, preferably the web admin interface, to change it.


Scott Courtney         | "I don't mind Microsoft making money. I mind them
courtney at 4th.com       | having a bad operating system."    -- Linus Torvalds
http://www.4th.com/    | ("The Rebel Code," NY Times, 21 February 1999)

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