[Mailman-Users] Understanding "nomail"

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Mon Jul 29 11:54:40 CEST 2002

Hi Barry,

I have a short question concerning Mailman and "nomail".
12 out of 145 members of my Stackless list have the "nomail"
flag set.
I see this flag can be set from the config UI, but I also
think to remember that mailman sets this flag after being
unable to deliver emails for a while?

Now I would like to reach these members and to figure out if
they are still interested or just don't think of the list
since they never get any messages. Is it correct to switch
nomail off for them and send some test message?
Is it common that people use this flag (so I should
respect it) or is it more common that Mailman sets it?
And do these people also get no mailman remainder messages?
Then it might be likely that they are just nominal members.

Too much questions to be called "short", but finally it
is short: How should list admins deal with "nomail"?

thanks - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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