[Mailman-Users] Problem enforcing text/plain posts only policy

Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder avbidder at fortytwo.ch
Wed Jul 17 09:50:44 CEST 2002

On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 07:47, JC Dill wrote:
> On 10:57 AM 7/16/02, Tim Hutchinson wrote:
>  >Thank you for the suggestion.  Unfortunately, although this sounds like
>  >a better solution, I'm just a list owner and don't have access to the
>  >mailman installation (and I'd be surprised if our ISP would be prepared
>  >to do this, either).
> I'd be more surprised if your ISP would refuse to do it.  Stripping MIME 
> off mailing list destined posts makes everyone's life easier.  It helps 
> ensure that the list can't be used to spread a virus, it helps ensure that 
> unsubscribe requests are processed, etc.  It's not that hard to install, 
> and it's a huge value-add for the ISP.

It would be a reason to immediately change ISP if my mailing list would
break all signed e-mail. Also, there are many lists where file
attachments are not that uncommon.

While I do not like html mail, I doubt that generally stripping MIME is
a good move. Any ISP should install that only on request for a specific

-- vbi

secure email with gpg                         http://fortytwo.ch/gpg
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