[Mailman-Users] Many installations on one server

Alexis Bellido alexisbellido at terra.com.pe
Mon Jul 15 17:39:40 CEST 2002

Hi, i know the subject of virtual hosts on Mailman 2.0.x has been
discussed a lot, i've read lots of posts on the archives.

I have arrived to the conclusion that i will need multiple installations
on my server (Red Hat 7.2 using qmail).

I have many domains hosted (i run a hosting company) and would like to
have list at domain1.com and list at domain2.com for example.

My websites are name based so they share my same ip.

I installed mailman on both: /usr/local/mailman/domain1.com and
/usr/local/mailman/domain2.com , i can access the web interfaces, the
confirmation messages are sent to users but when users reply to confirm
their subscription or they send to list-request at domain.com they don't
get any reply.

Apparently qmail is not processing the incoming mail for mailman.

I am not a newbie at Linux but neither an expert so maybe i am missing
something simple.

I have checked my maillog file but don't understand much of what it
says, will a copy of last entries help you?, if i do a "less" of the
flle is just too big, how could i extract only lines i want?.

If you have any ideas please let me know.


Alexis Bellido M.
www.ventanazul.com - Web Design/ Hosting / eCommerce
alexis at ventanazul.com

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