[Mailman-Users] mail coming from different hostname than specified

Terry Davis tdavis at birddog.com
Wed Jan 9 21:33:48 CET 2002

Support here has been great.  Things are working out well.
With one exception.

I have an a-record set up that I am using (lists).
When I send an email to listname-request at lists.domain.com,
  the response comes back from listname-request at hostname.domain.com 
where hostname is the actual hostname of the server.  How can I fix this?

I have the following set:
DEFAULT_HOST_NAME   = 'lists.domain.com'
DEFAULT_URL         = 'http://lists/mailman'

thank you!

Terry Davis
Systems Administrator
BirdDog Solutions, Inc.
(402) 829-6059

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