[Mailman-Users] stripmime and aliases

Maurice Lafleur mlafleur at linuxfreemail.com
Tue Feb 19 18:02:24 CET 2002

Hi every one,

I am having the hardest time setting up stripmime. It is something you will (probably) find trivial, and it should be too, but I can't get it to 

I installed stripmime in /etc/local/bin, set the permission to 755, created a symlink in /etc/smrsh (called stripmime.pl) that points to 
/usr/local/bin/stripmime andfinally set the aliases as follows:

## test mailing list
## created: 18-Feb-2002 mailman
test:                    "|/usr/local/bin/stripmime.pl|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post test"
test-admin:              "|/usr/local/bin/stripmime.pl|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner test"
test-request:            "|/usr/local/bin/stripmime.pl|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test"
test-owner:              test-admin

I, of course, issued the newaliases command.

If I send an HTML mail to the "test" it flows directly to the list unchanged. 

When I test stripmime.pl with an HTML mail at the console like:

/usr/local/bin/stripmime.pl ugly-mail.html

it comes out cleaned out by the script.

Here's an except from maillog, showing that stripmime seems to be invoked:

Feb 18 13:16:42 ommadawn sendmail[7471]: g1IIGSj07470: to="|/usr/local/bin/stripmime.pl|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post test",
       ctladdr=<test at ommadawn.cegep-heritage.qc.ca> (8/0), delay=00:00:14, xdelay=00:00:02, mailer=prog, pri=461547, dsn=2.0.0, 

So, fools me. I can't make sense of all this. Help please!!


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