[Mailman-Users] "Message too big" doesn't get an error

Steve Crook Steve at Brainstorm.co.uk
Tue Feb 19 03:38:22 CET 2002

I'm fairly new to Mailman, somebody else set it up on our site
and has now left.

It seems to be working well except ...

When a list has a message size limit & something larger than that
is sent to the list there doesn't seem to be any message sent to
warn either the person who posted the message that was too big
or to the list manager.

I tried to search the SourceForge bug page at
http://sourceforge.net/bugs/?group_id=103 but it's down for

I tried to use the Python.Org advanced search page at
http://search.python.org but that doesn't seem to know anything
about Python Mailing list Archives

Obviously not my day :)


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