[Mailman-Users] Web page design

Margaret Levine Young margy at gurus.com
Wed Feb 6 16:56:49 CET 2002

>         You can modify the HTML template for the listinfo pages at
>         http://yourserver/mailman/edithtml/listname

Yes, I know, and we're doing that, but I'm suggesting that in the next rev, 
the default pages should start out better.

>         Take a look at http://mail.etree.org/mailman/listinfo/announce
>         for an example of what the results might look like.  Not
>         saying this is a design paragon, just an example of what you
>         can do.

Here's my first cut at a redesign:


Margy Levine Young <margy at gurus.com>
Coauthor of "The Internet For Dummies" <http://net.gurus.com> and "Poor
Richard's Building Online Communities" <http://www.topfloor.com>. Looking
for kids' videos? Check out <http://www.greattapes.com>

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