[Mailman-Users] Icons aren't showing

Jarkko Laine jarkko.m.laine at tut.fi
Fri Feb 1 11:01:06 CET 2002

Hi there,

I can't get the footer images showing, there's just empty boxes instead of 

The mm_cfg.py looks like this:
# Put YOUR site-specific settings below this line.
IMAGE_LOGOS = '/icons/'

and httpd.conf:
Alias /icons/ /home/mailman/icons/
<Directory /home/mailman/icons/>
         Options Indexes MultiViews
         AllowOverride None
         Order allow,deny
         Allow from all

I don't understand how it's still not working. The images are in the 
/home/mailman/icons folder with read access for everyone.
When I look at the source of the pages 
(http://kepardi.cc.tut.fi/mailman/listinfo), it looks like everything was 
OK and the path to the images is /icons/. Still the images aren't there.


Jarkko Laine                                               Tel: +358-50-3588858
Tampere University of Technology                 Email: jarkko.m.laine at tut.fi
Industrial Management                      

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