[Mailman-Users] Patches and Version #

Sean Yo syo at uoguelph.ca
Mon Aug 12 22:48:09 CEST 2002


I've recently installed Mailman under Mandrake 8.0 (Python 2.0) and I 
just finished patching from 2.0.10 to 2.0.13 - it worked without a 
hitch.  (As far as I can tell...)

However, when I run the version script in /home/mailman/bin it is still 
reporting 2.0.10.  Is this a problem?  I assume Mailman.mm_cfg.VERSION 
just hasn't updated yet.  Am I correct in thinking there is nothing to 
restart, since Mailman gets fired up as mail arrives?



Sean Yo
University of Guelph

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