[Mailman-Users] Virtual domains

eduguay at puzzlesol.com eduguay at puzzlesol.com
Thu Sep 27 05:10:17 CEST 2001


It says in the feature list that it does virtual domains, but I couldn't 
find anything in the doc about doing it, any idea ?
I've RTFM many time before posting.

I have everything working fine for one domain, and the web interface would 
work with any virtual domain BUT the domain the list is belonging to is the 
one used to actually install the software :

I have : whateverlist at puzzlesol.com instead of whateverlist at myclientsdomain.com

Do I have to make a separate installation for each domain OR where are the 
instructions ?

Best Regards,

Etienne R. Duguay
Author of/ Auteur de "Se lancer en affaires dans Internet"
ISBN 2-89521-001-2; ISBN 2-89472-062-9
630 Cathcart St. Suite 115
Montreal, Qc. H3B 1L9
CANADA Tel.: (514) 998-7658 - Fax: (514) 409-2030
E-MAIL eduguay at puzzlesol.com; WEB: http://www.puzzlesol.com
Puzzle Solutions : Providing WebObjects Hosting and Developement.
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