[Mailman-Users] Messages stuck in queue

fred backman fred at lateral.net
Thu Oct 18 18:37:28 CEST 2001


I've search the FAQ and online documenation without any success.

Basically, I have postfix with virtual domains set up.  In the postfix 
main.cf file I have a line

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases

and these aliases all seem to work, including the mailman wrapper lines 
I put in for my test mailing list. However, when I send to the test 
list, the message just ends up in the queue. Here's what the log says:

Oct 18 17:25:52 nippleclamp postfix/smtpd[1060]: connect from 
Oct 18 17:25:52 nippleclamp postfix/smtpd[1060]: 6E8C66703B: 
Oct 18 17:25:52 nippleclamp postfix/cleanup[1061]: 6E8C66703B: 
message-id=<B28A0FBE-C3E3-11D5-A162-000A27DE32FA at lateral.net>
Oct 18 17:25:52 nippleclamp postfix/smtpd[1060]: disconnect from 
Oct 18 17:25:52 nippleclamp postfix/qmgr[898]: 6E8C66703B: 
from=<fred at lateral.net>, size=773, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Oct 18 17:25:52 nippleclamp postfix/local[1063]: 6E8C66703B: 
to=<test-request at mail.colateral.net>, relay=local, delay=0, status=sent 
("|/usr/local/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd test")

And in /usr/local/mailman/qfiles/ there are two files:

-rw-rw-r--    1 mailman  mailman       880 Oct 18 17:25 
-rw-rw-r--    1 mailman  mailman       118 Oct 18 17:25 

Can anyone suggest what to do? If you need any more details, let me know 
and I can post them.

Mailman v.2.0.6
Postfix v.20010228-pl05

# uname -a
Linux mail.colateral.net 2.2.19pre17 #1 Tue Mar 13 22:37:59 EST 2001 
i686 unknown

Also, would I be better off using qmail, exim or another MTA?


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