[Mailman-Users] umbrella_list?

Shane Beasley sbeasley at cs.uic.edu
Mon Oct 15 23:35:58 CEST 2001

To whom it may concern,

This has got to be a FAQ, but I can find absolutely no useful information
about the subject:

The scenario is that I have a number of sublists and wish to be able to
contact all of them simultaneously by sending to a single list. I can do
this already; however, if one user is subscribed to more than one of these
sublists, they get multiple copies of mail sent to the single list. I wish
to prevent this if posible.

I am thus trying to designate a Mailman list as being an "umbrella list,"
which I understand to be exactly what I need. My dealings with the online
documentation and the Web configuration pages suggest that there is some
umbrella_list option, but I cannot find any substantive text on this

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Shane Beasley <sbeasley at cs.uic.edu>
Secretary / Web Developer / System Administrator
Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery
University at Illinois at Chicago

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