[Mailman-Users] Problem after update Mailman 2.0.7 (Urgent)

Alain Chappuis alain.chappuis at medecine.unige.ch
Wed Nov 14 11:22:09 CET 2001

I have a problem in the achives after the update to Mailman 2.0.6
for 2.0.7.

Problem: The archives are not updated any more. The old link remained
with /mailman-2.0.6/ whereas my new version is in the new path: /mailman/
I have to make an error; I simply recopied all the old repertory
of the archives + the lists directory, in the new repertory.
Then I think it's reside my old path in the DB base or others files.

Now I do not know if it is necessary to use "move_lis" or "withlist" ?
to correct my problem?

Is there somebody who would have an example? or a consulting to be 
given me?

My problem is very urgent!

Thanks in advance.
 | Alain Chappuis       | Responsable: E-mail; cmu.unige.ch        |
 | Analyste             | WEB    : www.medecine, ebn, jid, Sifm    |
 | Universite de Geneve | E-mail : Alain.Chappuis at unige.ch         |
 | Centre Medical Univ. | Phone  : +41 (22) [70]25.073             |
 | 1, Rue Michel-Servet | FAX    : +41 (22) 347.33.34 ou 702.58.58 |
 | CH-1211 Geneve 4     | http://ebn.unige.ch/www/alain.html       |       

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