[Mailman-Users] reverse lookups on localhost

Harold Paulson haroldp at sierraweb.com
Fri May 25 02:22:21 CEST 2001


I know this has been talked about a few times, but I'm not sure I've 
ever seen a solution...

I'm using Mailman and Sendmail.  When Mailman gets a message in queue 
going to a broken MX, it can REALLY wedge things up.  It looks like 
qrunner just sits there waiting for the DNS to come back until it 
finally times out.  It can clog things up to the point that messages 
farther back in the queue never get a chance.

Is there a reasonable way to get Sendmail to accept messages from 
qrunner without reversing them?

Would turning on the threaded qrunner get around this (whether or not 
it's faster in general I don't care)?

What is the recommended way to pull bad addresses out of queue?  I 
can find the right files in 'qfiles' easily enough, but aren't these 
messages going to many people?


	- H

Harold Paulson                  Sierra Web Design
haroldp at sierraweb.com           http://www.sierraweb.com
VOICE: 775.833.9500             FAX:   810.314.1517

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