[Mailman-Users] Re: remove this?

Thomas Hillson hillson at iastate.edu
Wed May 9 20:43:22 CEST 2001

To help out those of you who like me think we should have the option of
removing the headers, here is my CookHeaders.py which removes all
headers that Mailman adds to outgoing mail. This is the crude way of
doing it, but my users are happier now and I have fewer complaints.
Myself and another gentleman had the same discussions you are having
with some people months ago and you will not change their minds.

If you use the code just copy the original CookHeaders.py to a new file
name to save it and replace it with the modified code.

This code is provided as is, it has not warranty that it will work or do what
you want. You use it at your own risk.

good luck,

Tom Hillson


# Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

"""Cook a message's Subject header.

import string
import re
import urlparse
from Mailman import mm_cfg

def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
# Mark the message as dirty so that its text will be forced to disk next
     # time it's queued.
     msgdata['_dirty'] = 1
     # Set the "X-Ack: no" header if noack flag is set.
     if msgdata.get('noack'):
         msg['X-Ack'] = 'no'
     # Because we're going to modify various important headers in the email
     # message, we want to save some of the information in the msgdata
     # dictionary for later. Specifically, the sender header will get waxed,
     # but we need it for the Acknowledge module later.
     msgdata['original_sender'] = msg.GetSender()
     subject = msg.getheader('subject')
     adminaddr = mlist.GetAdminEmail()
     fasttrack = msgdata.get('fasttrack')
     if not msgdata.get('isdigest') and not fasttrack:
         # Add the subject prefix unless the message is a digest or is being
         # fast tracked (e.g. internally crafted, delivered to a single user
         # such as the list admin). We assume all digests have an appropriate
         # subject header added by the ToDigest module.
         prefix = mlist.subject_prefix
         # we purposefully leave no space b/w prefix and subject!
         if not subject:
             msg['Subject'] = prefix + '(no subject)'
         elif prefix and not re.search(re.escape(prefix), subject, re.I):
             msg['Subject'] = prefix + subject
     # get rid of duplicate headers
     del msg['sender']
     del msg['errors-to']
     msg['Sender'] = msgdata.get('errorsto', adminaddr)
     msg['Errors-To'] = msgdata.get('errorsto', adminaddr)
     # Mark message so we know we've been here
     # msg.headers.append('X-BeenThere: %s\n' % mlist.GetListEmail())
     # Add Precedence: and other useful headers. None of these are standard
     # and finding information on some of them are fairly difficult. Some are
     # just common practice, and we'll add more here as they become necessary
     # http://www.dsv.su.se/~jpalme/ietf/jp-ietf-home.html
     # None of these headers are added if they already exist
     # if not msg.get('x-mailman-version'):
     # msg['X-Mailman-Version'] = mm_cfg.VERSION
     # Semi-controversial: some don't want this included at all, others
     # want the value to be ^List'.
     if not msg.get('precedence'):
         msg['Precedence'] = 'bulk'
     # Reply-To: munging. Do not do this if the message is "fast tracked",
     # meaning it is internally crafted and delivered to a specific user.
     # Yuck, I hate this feature but enough people want it that we should
     # support it as an option.
     if not fasttrack:
         xreplyto = None
         # Set Reply-To: header to point back to this list
         if mlist.reply_goes_to_list == 1:
             xreplyto = msg.get('reply-to')
             msg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
         # Set Reply-To: an explicit address
         elif mlist.reply_goes_to_list == 2:
             xreplyto = msg.get('reply-to')
             msg['Reply-To'] = mlist.reply_to_address
         # Give the recipient some ability to un-munge things.
         if xreplyto:
             msg['X-Reply-To'] = xreplyto
     # Add list-specific headers as defined in RFC 2369, but only if the
     # message is being crafted for a specific list (e.g. not for the password
     # reminders).
     if msgdata.get('_nolist'):
     # Pre-calculate
     listid = '<%s.%s>' % (mlist._internal_name, mlist.host_name)
     if mlist.description:
         listid = mlist.description + ' ' + listid
     requestaddr = mlist.GetRequestEmail()
     subfieldfmt = '<%s>, <mailto:%s?subject=%ssubscribe>'
     listinfo = mlist.GetScriptURL('listinfo', absolute=1)
     # TBD: List-Id is not in the RFC, but it was in an earlier draft so we
     # leave it in for historical reasons.
     headers = {}
     #This is the part commented out to eliminate the stupid headers we do not
     #want in the mail messages.
     #headers = {
   #  'List-Id'     : listid,
   #  'List-Help'     : '<mailto:%s?subject=help>' % requestaddr,
   #  'List-Unsubscribe': subfieldfmt % (listinfo, requestaddr, 'un'),
   #  'List-Subscribe'  : subfieldfmt % (listinfo, requestaddr, ''),
   #  'List-Post'     : '<mailto:%s>' % mlist.GetListEmail(),
   #  }
     # First we delete any pre-existing headers because the RFC permist only
     # one copy of each, and we want to be sure it's ours.
     for h, v in headers.items():
         del msg[h]
     # Wrap these lines if they are too long. 78 character width probably
     # shouldn't be hardcoded. The adding of 2 is for the colon-space
     # separator.
     #if len(h) + 2 + len(v) > 78:
     #     v = string.join(string.split(v, ', '), ',\n\t')
     #msg[h] = v
     # Always delete List-Archive header, but only add it back if the list is
     # actually archiving
     del msg['List-Archive']
     # if mlist.archive:
         # value = '<%s>' % urlparse.urljoin(mlist.web_page_url,
         # mlist.GetBaseArchiveURL())
     #  value = '<%s>' % urlparse.urljoin(mlist.web_page_url,
     #                 mlist.GetBaseArchiveURL())
      # msg['List-Archive'] = value

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