[Mailman-Users] mailman-checkins list config?

Barry A. Warsaw barry at digicool.com
Tue May 1 09:50:59 CEST 2001

>>>>> "MN" == Mike Noyes <mhnoyes at users.sourceforge.net> writes:

    MN> What settings are you using for the mailman-checkins list? I'm
    MN> trying to duplicate your results for our project's cvs-commits
    MN> list. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    MN> Background: I'm using syncmail (v3.1.5 by Barry Warsaw) for
    MN> our project's cvs-commits list. I'll update to v3.1.6 later
    MN> today. I followed the SourceForge documentation to set it up,
    MN> but it doesn't have any information on the proper settings for
    MN> Mailman. Should I take this up with the SourceForge staff
    MN> instead?

    MN> Getting email from CVS
    MN> https://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=772&group_id=1

Wow, neat.  I didn't even realize syncmail was Officially Documented.

BTW, I think you mean version 3.16 of syncmail, which is the latest
committed version that both the Mailman and Python projects use.

On the list configuration side, you can basically use a very generic
Mailman list.  python-checkins and mailman-checkins are both wide

Have you tried it, and does it work?  If not, what happens?


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