[Mailman-Users] help needed asap

Ben Burnett benwa at mail.ocentrix.com
Thu Jun 21 01:24:42 CEST 2001

You might be able to get away with removing the file:


(I would actually do a "mv request.db request.db.bak" just
in case you need them back.)

That will get rid of ALL requests that are pending.  I'm not
positive whether there are any other consequences, other
than posters not being notified that their held post was
processed, and pending subscribers not knowing if they were
approved or not.  So do this at your own risk.  Perhaps
someone with more experience (Barry?) can say if this is
safe or not.  I've verified on my installation (minutes ago)
that Mailman will automatically generate a new request.db
when it receives it's next request (or when you check to see
if there are requests pending).


------- Original Copy -------
>Subject: [Mailman-Users] help needed asap
>Date: 06/20/2001 12:50 PM
>From: "Lisa Sorensen" <moonlitsubmit at hotmail.com>
>To: Mailman-Users at python.org

>I need to know which command to use to clear my admin
>I am not able to do it from my admin site without the page
timing out.
>Please advise,,,
>Moonlitsubmit at hotmail.com
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