[Mailman-Users] starting Mailman 2.1a2

Ashley M. Kirchner ashley at pcraft.com
Sun Jul 15 21:07:35 CEST 2001

"J.D. Bronson" wrote:

> I wrote a simple script for Solaris to start mailmain under
> /etc/rc2.d/S99mailman

    Generally, you create a script under /etc/init.d called 'mailman' and you
soft link it to the run level:

  ln -sf /etc/init.d/mailman /etc/rc2.d/S99mailman  (for startup)
  ln -sf /etc/init.d/mailman /etc/rc6.d/S99mailman  (for shutdown)

  [ note: the latter one needs to have a 'stop' clause in the script ]

>          /usr/local/mailman/bin/mailmanctl start

    I haven't had a chance to look at MM2.1 yet, so I don't know what this
(mailmanctl) does yet, however if it's just a script, you may want to make sure
it has the proper paths in it.  Remember that when the system starts up and
runs anything in your /etc/rc*.d directories, it doesn't have any PATH
information set.  You need to do that manually in your scripts.

H | Hi, I'm currently out of my mind.  Please leave a message.  BEEEEP!
  Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:ashley at pcraft.com>   .   303.442.6410 x130
  Director of Internet Operations / SysAdmin    .     800.441.3873 x130
  Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.            .     3550 Arapahoe Ave, #6
  http://www.pcraft.com ..... .  .    .       Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.

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