[Mailman-Users] Unsubscribe without passwords [was So all you people that wanted autoreject...]

Gergely Soros soros_gergely at nextra.hu
Sat Jan 20 06:21:11 CET 2001

From: "Satya" <satyap at satya.virtualave.net>
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 10:21 AM

> >Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] So all you people that wanted autoreject...
> >
> >...give me some feedback on my solution.
> And all you people who wanted unsubscribe without passwords ... :-)

I've set up your Perl solution without problems on a test site and it worked 
okay. On the live site I'm still using the shell script by Bob Puff at NLE 
<bob at nleaudio.com> as our current problem is not the lack of the
confirmation system but the following: many people are sending their 
messages to listname-unsubscribe at domain from a different address than
what they are subscribed as. Of course they don't auto-receive any feedback
when the action has failed, only the mail user receives Mailman's standard 
"problems with the email commands" message. As a temp solution I'm 
manually sending instructions to re-send the message from the proper 
address (which is confusing for them as well, they have to check the headers
of the list post mail...). Anyway, the dream-unsubscribe-script would first 
check the list db, if the addrss is there, send the confirm message otherwise
send one with the instructions. I know this could get difficult and probably 
involve too much work, pls tell me your thoughts.


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