[Mailman-Users] check-perms-error: ImportError: No module named paths

Jonas Meurer jmeurer at gmx.de
Wed Dec 5 20:53:09 CET 2001

Hey ho,
I've a strange error in bin/check_perms after
./configurue --with-mail-gid=8 --with-cgi-gid=www-data
make install

Could not import paths!

This probably means that you are trying to run check_perms from the source
directory.  You must run this from the installation directory instead.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bin/check_perms", line 38, in ?
    import paths
ImportError: No module named paths

bin/check_perms -f as root didn't help ;(


Pinky: "What are we going to do tonight, Brain?"
Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky:
        try to install Windows 95!"

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