[Mailman-Users] upgrade and loss of archives/addresses

Ian MacLeod highlander at engsoc.queensu.ca
Sat Aug 11 16:01:01 CEST 2001

Hello everyone,

I have a problem I hoped someone with more understanding of 'exactly' how
mailman works can help me.  We were having problems with an old version of
the software, so I upgraded, right on top with version 2.0.5

When i loaded it up, I had NO mailing lists, although we did have at least
a dozen before the upgrade.  I've re-added the lists, but there are still
no messages in the archives.

I may have a backup somewhere of my old /usr/lib/mailman folder

Where are the list archives stored..  What kind of format are they
in.  How about the subscribers, where are they stored?

Thanks in advance for everyone's help, I'm sure I can fix this somehow.


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