[Mailman-Users] admin and lockfile problems

Philippe Rodriguez Philippe_Rodriguez at bevoux.grenoble.hp.com
Wed Apr 18 15:52:24 CEST 2001

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, josh koenig wrote:

> > Did you try to install Mailman 2.0.3 from scratch ? I'm a new user of
> >  mailman, and everything is OK for me with it, no problems at the moment.
> >
> > With a few scripts, you'll be able to keep you lists&archives from your
> >  "old" installation.
> By this do you mean with a few extra shell scripts?

Yes, to be written.

> If so, can you point
> me in an appropriate direction? I've been considering doing a full remove
> and install, although I've been using the debian package system and have
> already tried the --reinstall option.
I have no scripts (yet) do to that, but my idea is :

 - first step, on your old (and running) mailman installation :
    With some command in $prefix/bin, you can get the list of lists, and
     then you for each list you can get the list of subscribers (and their
     options ?)
 - second step, with the newly installed mailman :
    With some other commands in $prefix/bin, you can create the lists and
     subsscribe your list of subscribers.

Sorry not to indicate which commands to use in $prefix/bin, but you'll
 find which one to use by using the option --help for each, to determine
 what you can do with them. That's what I did.

I have tested the second step, to test the feasability of a migration
 from majordomo, but I have to clean up these scripts.

Do you want me to send these scripts when they'll be ready ?


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