[Mailman-Users] Mailman

Marc MERLIN marc_news at valinux.com
Wed Apr 4 22:46:32 CEST 2001

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 03:12:58PM -0400, Neil Cooler wrote:
> Is this better for performance?
It can be, but it depends (fork times, how many receipients are included in
each mail, etc, etc...)
> Can I tell mailman to use another server to send the mail?

SMTPHOST in ~mailman/Mailman/{Defaults.py,mm_cfg.py}

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 12:58:05PM -0700, J C Lawrence wrote:
> The problem, what there is of it, is that Mailman is built assuming
> a Unix-like process model (fork/exec UID/GID etc) and Windows
> doesn't have those things.
Not that I  know anything about windows,  but I thought it had  some kind of
posix  layer that  allowed  that. Either  way, some  porting  work would  be
On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 01:12:40PM -0700, alex wetmore wrote:
> I've considered doing this at some point, although it is just as
> likely that I'd write a new system from scratch.  Everything for my
> mailing lists (MTA, searchable archives) runs on Windows 2000 except
> for mailman itself.
> I'm not really sure why Marc makes such sweeping statements as the one
> above.

I  see no  benefits on  making this  run on  windows and  the total  cost of
ownership will be higher.
I said  that _most_ people who'd  know how to  do the port wouldn't  see the
point/want to bother.
All that said, it's very possible to do  the port, not even that hard due to
python code being inherently rather portable, and provisions for things like
the directory separator native to the OS python runs on.

That said, it's obviously my personal opinion, anyone is welcome to disagree
with me.

Microsoft is to operating systems & security ....
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