[Mailman-Users] Postponing delivery.

Gerhard den Hollander gerhard at jason.nl
Tue Sep 19 08:35:04 CEST 2000

* Stewart James -Stootles- <stootles at linuxfreak.com> (Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 11:14:05AM +1100)

> Here's where I have not been able to find an answer. Members will only be
> subscribed as regular members. Digest will not be an option, But I only
> want the message to be delivered once a day(6 p.m.). 

There is a hack ..
Change the email adress of the list
Have the original email adress of the list point to a normal mailbox
run a cronjob at 6 pm that moves all mail from that mailbox to the new

        Gerhard,  (@jasongeo.com)   == The Acoustic Motorbiker == 	
   __0	I realized quickly when I knew I should
 =`\<,	That the world was made up of this 'Brotherhood of Man'
(=)/(=)	For whatever that means ...

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