[Mailman-Users] Unsubscribe from list w/o passwd

Scott Russell scottrus at raleigh.ibm.com
Thu Sep 14 15:45:49 CEST 2000

Here's a hack.

Create a web form that allows the user to enter their email address. My
example is 'joeuser at nowhere.com'. 

Generate an email to mylist-request at mailman.server.com w/o a subject and
the single line of: "unsubscribe <list passwd> joeuser at nowhere.com". Make
sure the mail header says it is from some generic list admin address.

Mailman should then unsubscribe the user taking the list passwd instead of
the users passwd. I tested this and it seems to work with the exception of
a mail back to person who sent the message does contain the list
passwd. I think you can work around this problem by setting the email from
header to be from some generic admin address.

Be sure to test this! You don't want users to get a hold of the list

 Scott Russell (scottrus at raleigh.ibm.com)
 Linux Technology Center, System Admin, RHCE.

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