[Mailman-Users] problems installing

Harold Paulson haroldp at sierraweb.com
Fri Oct 27 19:14:58 CEST 2000


We seem to be having similar problems, and no one is really making 
any good guesses.  One weird thing that I noticed is that if I kill 
all current qrunners, and remove all locks:

	killall qrunner; rm ~mailman/locks/*

then a new qrunner will pop up in a minute (from cron).  If I watch it in top:

	top -qUmailman

It uses a little CPU for a minute or two, and then slowly dies off to 
0% CPU usage.  It never does anything that I can see, and runs for a 
very long time.

Could I have a corrupted msg that is hanging qrunner?  The biggest 
file in qfiles is about 6k, so it's not a size issue...

	- H

WARNING: 'killall' may work very differently on various unix flavors. 
Don't do that on a Solaris box!

>>  On Oct 26, 2000 at 12:53, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
>>  >I've installed mailman on a RH 6.2 machine. The POP3 server in that
>>  >machine works perfectly, the messages I send to the mailing lists are
>>  >logged in the logs/post file. But, no mail goes to the list members.
>>  POP3? SMTP would be what you want to check.
>>  Some guesses...
>>  Check mailman's crontab. The queue runner should be a cron job, AIUI.
>it seems ok. The qrunner binary is set to be executed every minute (at least
>this is what "crontab -u mailman -l" says.
>And no /etc/cron.{allow,deny} exists, so mailman should be allowed to run cron
>And "tail -f logs/qrunner" shows 2 log messages every minute. So, everything
>related to cron seems to work.
>But still, list members don't get any message from the lists.
>What else could be?

Harold Paulson                  Sierra Web Design
haroldp at sierraweb.com           http://www.sierraweb.com
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