[Mailman-Users] Striping file attaches on messges sent to the list.

Eduardo Jacob jtpjatae at bi.ehu.es
Fri Oct 27 18:52:37 CEST 2000

	I would like to strip file attachements sent to the list with Mailman 
2.0rc1. I have tried to catch attachments by adding additional headers to 
in the Privacy Options->"Hold posts with header value matching a specified 
regexp:" But this doesn't solve my problem. I can block multipart messages 
(because there is in the headers section of the message such a header), but 
this disables both attachments and also rich,html-ized texts, which have an 
ascii part and a "rich/html" part. The rest of the message isn't parsed, so 
"content-type: application/" doesn't get caugth. Is there another possibility?

	A posibility would to simply scan instead of only the header also, the 
body. We have manually tried to do that modifying the function that scans 
for headers, but as we don't know anything about python, at least it 
doesn't gives error but it doesn't work.


	Regards and Thankyou


PD: I have tried the searching of the list but it doesn't work for me. I 
have read the threads and I haven't find something better than this option.
Eduardo Jacob - Area de Ingenieria Telematica
Departamento de Electronica y Telecomunicaciones
ETSII y de IT               Tel: +34 94 601 4214
UPV / EHU                   Fax: +34 94 601 4259
Alda Urquijo s/n         E-mail: jtpjatae at bi.ehu.es
E-48013 - Bilbao (Spain)
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