[Mailman-Users] Re: Adding a List

David Champion dgc at uchicago.edu
Tue Oct 3 18:27:49 CEST 2000

On 2000.10.03, in <wpaeclhqbo.fsf at CompleteIS.com>,
	"Chris D.Halverson" <cdh at CompleteIS.com> wrote:
> "Randal D. Pinkett" <rpinkett at media.mit.edu> writes:
> > Has anyone written a script to automate the process of adding a list (e.g.,
> > append to /etc/aliases then "newaliases" as root)?
> I think somebody wrote something for sendmail, but I don't remember
> for sure.

I was inspired by Nigel's Exim thing, and I wrote this mailer for
sendmail.  I haven't documented it yet, but when I do I'll submit it to
SF for contrib/.  What I describe here obviates ANY changes to
/etc/aliases when running with sendmail.  If you use this stuff,
comment out any list aliases in /etc/aliases (and rerun newaliases).

The first file here is the .mc file I use for generation of sendmail.cf
on my list server.  It configures a mailer for Mailman.  The mailer
program is in perl, and it's the second attachment.

These are glued together by my mailertable:
    listtest.uchicago.edu   mailman:listtest.uchicago.edu
    listhost.uchicago.edu   mailman:listhost.uchicago.edu

This virtusertable ensures that RFC 2142 addresses are not processed as
    MAILER-DAEMON at listtest.uchicago.edu mailman-owner at midway.uchicago.edu
    mailman at listtest.uchicago.edu       mailman-owner at midway.uchicago.edu
    mailman-owner at listtest.uchicago.edu mailman-owner at midway.uchicago.edu
    postmaster at listtest.uchicago.edu    mailman-owner at midway.uchicago.edu
    webmaster at listtest.uchicago.edu     mailman-owner at midway.uchicago.edu
    abuse at listtest.uchicago.edu         sun-admin at midway.uchicago.edu
    root at listtest.uchicago.edu          sun-admin at midway.uchicago.edu

Obviously, anyone else should change the RHS and the domains on these.
I'm trying to work out a pleasant way to build this into the mailer, so
that the virtusertable won't be necessary.  No good ideas yet.  (The
catch is that I don't want any fixed addresses in the script.)

The .mc file here will require some changes for any environment but
mine, but they're obvious changes, I think.

If you want to use this, but need significant help, you're welcome to
let me know.  I probably won't take the time to answer yet, but I'll
try to treat any questions when I write the documentation.

I'm still unsure about including the gratituitously pedantic MIME
parts. :)

 -D.	dgc at uchicago.edu	NSIT	University of Chicago

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