[Mailman-Users] A funny thing happened...

Satya satyap at satya.virtualave.net
Mon Oct 2 14:43:16 CEST 2000

On Oct 1, 2000 at 22:18, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:

>subscription notice. And I had a user complain about the site sending 
>out the list password in cleartext (my first thought was "how ELSE am 
>I supposed to send you the password, given that the system has no 
>encryption in it?" but I bit my tongue.)

I haven't had anyone leave in a huff over this, but more than one person
has complained about cleartext passwords. Especially as I was sending them
once a week -- although I've now changed back to once a month. 

I also found that the password reminder was sending the wrong address for
mailman owner -- %(owner)s in cronpass.txt. That's cos my machine doesn't
really have a domain name. It's offline most of the time, so the web
interface isn't accessible to anyone but me, either. So I hacked
mailpasswds to set the right -owner address for each list, and not send
the options URL. Anyone want?

Satya. <URL:http://satya.virtualave.net/>
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