[Mailman-Users] Read-only announcement list

Griff Wigley griffw at nco.northfield.mn.us
Thu May 25 18:15:14 CEST 2000

I'm having trouble setting my list to read-only announcements. I found 
previous discussion about this in the March archives but I still have 

1. I've set the "Posting restricted to list members" option to "No" and 
then provided a list of approved email addresses for posting.

But the list's web page still tells people how to post. It displays:

    Using NCO-News
    To post a message to all the list members, send email to 
nco-news at nco.northfield.mn.us.

I'm trying to get it to look similar to the Mailman-announce web page:

    Using Mailman-announce
    This is a read-only mailing list. You cannot post messages to it.

What am I missing?  Can I manually edit that text?

2. Also, when I subscribed to the Mailman-announce list, the welcome 
message provides instructions on how to post to the list, even though it's 
read-only.  Is this an oversight or something that can't be changed?

    Welcome to the Mailman-announce at python.org mailing list!

    To post to this list, send your email to:

    mailman-announce at python.org

  - Griff
Griff Wigley, Chair
Northfield Citizens Online http://nco.northfield.mn.us
OFC: 507/645-7062 HM: 507/645-6065  MOBILE:  507/271-2341

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