[Mailman-Users] Mailman Program - Not Satsified

JokeMList at aol.com JokeMList at aol.com
Fri Jun 30 05:02:44 CEST 2000

Hi there,

My name is Jeff, and I am the founder of MyJokeMail.com, a very popular daily 
humor providor.  I currently have over 5000 people on my mailing list, but I 
figured I would switch to Mailman to maintain my subscription list.

However, now I am feeling like this was a big mistake.  Allow me to explain.  
All I need is a list where subscribers can write to a generic address (like 
jokemail-list at myjokemail.com ) and be sent a "Confirm Letter", to which they 
respond and are automatically added.  I was under the assumption that Mailman 
can do that stuff.

Instead, all I see is a program where my subscribers would have to go to a 
separate webpage that Mailman provides, and submit their address there.  
What's worse is that they even have to have a password.  This is nothing like 
I though this program would be like.  

Another thing:  having 5000 people, isn't there an easy way to transfer all 
of them over to a file, instead of pasting their names in batches of 30 
addresses to the configuration page?

So I guess I am writing this for advice.  Does this program do any of the 
above things that I am looking for?  I dont need my subscribers to have a 
password...simply a letter to confirm their subscription request upon 
submission.  They also shouldnt have to go to a separate webpage, but 
instead, could directly email the list for a subscription if need be.

Please help....my list is in desperate need for an upgrade, and I am anxious 
to get the ball rolling.
     Jeff Mash, Founder

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