[Mailman-Users] broadcast-type lists

Harold Paulson haroldp at sierraweb.com
Fri Jul 21 22:14:35 CEST 2000


'subscribeack.txt' was indeed where I started.  Editing that would be 
no problem, but I am planning on running multiple (many) lists on the 
same box.  If I edit that file, I am editing it for all those lists, 
which doesn't quite work.  For instance, I'd like to remove the "To 
post to this list" bit for my first list, but I may want to use 
Mailman for discussion-type lists in the future.

Mailman, as you know, provides a manager interface to create a custom 
auto-reply message. Unfortunately, that one does not recognize the 
%(password)s token.  That is what led me to go mucking through 

Any ideas?

	- H

>Harold Paulson wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  I'm quickly learning how important email is to web development.  I
>>  have quite a few clients interested in broadcast-type email lists.
>>  The "Keep me informed about your Widgets" type of email lists (NO
>>  SPAM).  Is mailman suitable for this?
>Should be, yes.  See Chris Kolar's documentation on the two magic
>"privacy" fields (you can find a pointer to it on the main page
>at www.list.org)
>>  I have been trying to build a configuration to test this out, but I
>>  have run into a few snags.  I'd like to replace the standard "You are
>>  subscribed" email message with a custom one, but I can't get it to
>>  send the user's password.  I spent a few hours digging through source
>>  trying to enable a %(password)s option, but I can't Python my way out
>>  of a wet paper bag.
>I've edited templates/subscribeack.txt and it works.  It's unfortunately
>global for all lists on the server, but it's got a number of custom fields,
>so that works out.  One of them is certainly %(password)s, and it
>surely works.
>What have you been trying that doesn't work, and how doesn't it work?

Harold Paulson                  Sierra Web Design
haroldp at sierraweb.com           http://www.sierraweb.com
VOICE: 775.833.9500             FAX:   810.314.1517

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