[Mailman-Users] accents in subjects

Nigel Metheringham Nigel.Metheringham at VData.co.uk
Fri Feb 25 16:45:15 CET 2000

fil at bok.net said:
>  However it's not only a question of 'Réf.' but of any
> accentuated Subject: when it comes to the digest issue. So mailman is
> also a little faulty here. 

Not really.  You cannot have 8 bit characters in header lines - the 
character set etc applies to the body, so that subject is broken to 
start with.

[from previous message]
> Usually it get morphed from 
>    Réf. : confirmation of subscription - request 170967
> into something like
>    =?iso-8859-1?Q?R=E9f._:_confirmation_of_subscription_--_request_170967?= 

so some MTA is converting the broken subject into some form of MIMEish 
encapsulation - basically coping with a broken message by applying a 
semi-broken workaround.

> So I guess mailman should, before doing anything, convert these back
> to ascii. 

not sure you want mailman to start doing conversions around other 
people's breakage.  One possibility might be to make the subject line 
have more of a key in it hopefully picked to not have char set 
implications - say that kast part be [[CONFIRM#170967]] and just look 
for that style tag ignoring everything else in the line - making sure 
that the tags chosen don't get hit by those 8 bit conversion problems.


[ - Opinions expressed are personal and may not be shared by VData - ]
[ Nigel Metheringham                  Nigel.Metheringham at VData.co.uk ]
[ Phone: +44 1423 850000                         Fax +44 1423 858866 ]

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